Water Damage Restoration

Water Damage Restoration

Texas Star Restoration is a leading provider of comprehensive assistance in the aftermath of any disaster that has impacted your property. Our primary focus is on efficiently restoring properties that have sustained water damage. Whether it's a burst pipe in your home or flooding on the first floor of your office building due to a storm, we comprehend the complexities and challenges involved in the cleanup process. We start with Assessment. Our team begins by...Continue reading

What You Need to Know About Smoke Damage

What You Should Know About Smoke Damage

Smoke from a fire can create many different types of particles; even if everything burned is organic, the fumes and particles smoke carries are toxic to human health. After a fire passes, you smell the remnants of smoke. That smell comes from the layering of those particles and chemicals on the surfaces and subsurfaces of everything around you. Even a small kitchen fire can blanket your home interior and potentially your attic space in a...Continue reading